Meeting held in the Duke of York Hotel Sandal on Tuesday 23rd April 1974 @7.45pm.
Meeting held in the Duke of York Hotel Sandal on Tuesday 26th March 1974
138th Annual General Meeting held in the Duke of York Hotel Sandal Wakefield on Tuesday 26th February 1974 at 7.30pm
A meeting for the distribution of bulbs was held in the Belle Vue Sandal Allotment Association Pavilion on Tuesday 30th October 1973.
Meeting held at the Duke of York Hotel Sandal Wakefield Tuesday 12th June 1973 at 7.30pm
Meeting held at the Duke of York Hotel Sandal Wakefield on Tuesday 1st May 1973 @7.30pm
Meeting held at the Duke of York Hotel Sandal Wakefield Tuesday 17th April 1973
Meeting held at the Duke of York Hotel Sandal Wakefield Tuesday 20th March 1973
137th Annual General Meeting Held in the Duke of York Hotel Sandal Wakefield on Tuesday 31st October 1972 @7.30pm
At a meeting held at the Duke of York Hotel on Tuesday 25th July the following members were present Messrs J Akers, H Collins, M Jackson