Tue 20th Mar 1973

Apologies for unavoidable absence were received from Messrs A L R Hunter, W Guest, C Heptonstall,

K N Eyre

Mr J Akers in the chair & also present Messrs

R B Green, M Jackson, H Collins, S Knowles, P Emmett

C Marsh, B Carr, N H Eyre, W D Tear, Mrs H

Townsendmr & Mrs K Burton & H V Calvert secretary

The minutes of the last ordinary meeting were read & confirmed, there were no matters arising.

All correspondence had been attended to by the secretary & this was approved.

As there were no more quotation for the cost of the Barrs & Sons booklet which were considering re-printing the matter was left in abeyance until the next meeting.

It was announced that the room at the Jockey

Altofts was not in a fit condition to hold a show & other venues were being sought.

There was also the possibility that the upstairs room at the Duke of York would not be available owing to building alterations. Mrs Townsend offered to make enquiries about a room at the Woolpackks Hotel

Horbury & Mrs Burtonwould enquire about a room at the Jockey in Northgate Wakefield.

The next meeting was arranged for Tuesday 17th April

J Akers 17/4/73

The Wakefield & North of England Tulip Society

1971 page 131971 page 14