Inside Front Cover
Inner Front Cover and Title Page
Mon 4th Nov 1907
A new Minute Book and a new Secretary. Irving Whitworth replaces Jesse Hardwick.
AGM 4 Nov 1907
Mr Hardwick resigned his position as Honorary Secretary to the Society after a service of 25 years….
The question of permitting professional gardeners to exhibit along with the amateurs was raised….
Mon 2nd Dec 1907
Rules for terms under which Professional Gardeners could show agreed
Meeting 2 Dec 1907
The question of introducing professional gardeners was again discussed and it was unanimously resolved to permit them to exhibit but only in the names of their employers……
Mon 6th Jan 1908
A payment on account of one shilling requested from each potential exhibitor.
Monthly meeting held 6th January 1908
Present: W. Mellor, A. Moorhouse, J. Hardwick, J. Wright & I. Whitworth Minutes of last meeting read & passed. Hon. Secretary reported that letters were sent to Messrs Tyson &…
Meeting 6 Jan 1908
It was decided that a payment of 1s. on account of entrance fee should be made by each intending exhibitor….
Mon 3rd Feb 1908
Hardwick promised to ascertain whether there was any copy of original rules in the old records of the society
Meeting held 3rd February 1908
Present: W. Mellor, J. Hardwick, J. Wright, F.W. Tyson, J. Taylor, J.S. Hill, Herbert Ellis and I. Whitworth (Secretary) Minutes of last meeting were read and passed. The Secretary read…
Meeting 3 Feb 1908
Some discussion was raised with regard to the drafting of new rules….
Mon 2nd Mar 1908
General discussion as to framing new rules
The usual monthly meeting was held on Monday the 2nd March 1908.
Present: A Moorhouse (in the chair), T.W. Tyson, J. Wright, W. Tunnicliffe, R. Robinson, J. Taylor, H. Ellis and I Whitworth (Sec) The minutes of last meeting were read, passed…
Meeting 2 Mar 1908
….a suggestion made by Mr Tyson that the judging of flowers at the annual exhibition should be by points on a maximum basis to be determined previous to the show….
Meeting held 6th April 1908
Present: W. Mellor, A. Moorhouse, J. Wright, Jesse Hardwick, W. Tunnicliffe, J. Taylor, J.S. Still, T.W. Tyson, H. Ellis & I. Whitworth (Hon. Sec) The Minutes of last meeting were…
Mon 6th Apr 1908
Transfer of flowers from the Amateur classes to the Open classes considered
Mon 4th May 1908
Transference of stands from Amateur to Open classes agreed
Mon 11th May 1908
Mellor seriously ill. Radius increased to 15 miles
Mon 18th May 1908
Mellor still alive but mostly unconcious
Fri 22nd May 1908
Show date altered
Mon 25th May 1908
Prizes included set of Dickens, Copper Kettle and Stereoscope
Mon 1st Jun 1908
Mellor still alive
Tue 9th Jun 1908
73rd Annual Show
Mon 15th Jun 1908
Calculation and payment of prizemoney
Mon 1st Feb 1909
Officers elected
Mon 1st Mar 1909
General discussion
Mon 5th Apr 1909
Show date decided
Mon 3rd May 1909
Payment of entrance fees
Fri 14th May 1909
Exhibitors’ subscription list closed
Mon 24th May 1909
Exhibitors names with addresses