Mon 25th May 1908

book1907_014A meeting was held on Monday
the 25th May 1908.Present: J. Hardwick (in the chair),
A. Moorhouse, T.W. Tyson, J. Taylor,
H. Ellis, R. Robinson, F.W. Tattersall,
J. Wright & I. Whitworth (Hon. Sec.)
It was reported that Mr W
Mellor was still alive but unconscious.
The minutes of last two meetings
were read, passed & signed.
The question of events for which
the special prizes were to be awarded
was discussed when it was proposed
by Mr Tyson & seconded by Mr Tattersall
“That the set of Dickens’ works given
by Mr Herbert Nicholson be allocated
as a special prize for the best exhibit
of pans of 6 rectified lowers & 6 breeders
It was also proposed by Mr Tattersall
& seconded by Mr Moorhouse that the
prizes in the Novice Class be awarded
as follows — For 1st prize — Copper Kettle
to be given by Mr Needham.
2nd prize — Stereoscope & 12 views given by Mr John Taylor
3rd prize — Silver medal to be presented
by Mr T. H. Blackburn.
It was also agreed that the definition
of a Novice should be as follows
“A member of the Society who has not won a 1st prize in the Novice Class”.

J. Hardwick