Mon 6th Apr 1908

book1907_008Meeting held 6th April 1908

W. Mellor, A. Moorhouse, J. Wright,
Jesse Hardwick, W. Tunnicliffe, J. Taylor,
J.S. Still, T.W. Tyson, H. Ellis &
I. Whitworth (Hon. Sec)
The Minutes of last meeting were
read & passed.
The following sums were received
& handed to Treasurer

Subscription — The Lady C. M. Gaskell 10-6
Entrance fees H. Ellis …………….2-0
” W. Mellor……………………… 1-0
” Joshua Stansfield………………..4.0
The discussion on judging flowers
by points was reopened & it was proposed
by Mr Tyson & 2nded by Mr Moorhouse
that the maximum number of points be 3.
The subject of transferring stands
& flowers from the amateur class, after
being judged there, to the open class for
judgement was next considered — the
question at issue being whether an exhibitor

book1907_009should be permitted to rearrange his stands
& substitute any other flower for a defective
flower therein. The matter was ultimately
deferred until the next meeting.
The new rules were next discussed
& some progress made in drafting them.
It was also passed unanimously that
the radius for amateur exhibitors be extended
to the limit of 10 miles from the Cathedral.

Jesse Hardwick