Thu 25th Apr 1985

J Hardman in the chair with about 12 members present

Apologies were received from N.H.Eyre James Akers

H. V. Calvert

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

Matters arising as many rather would be rise again during the meeting many on the annual show the meeting agreed to take them when they come up

Correspondence This had been delt with the

Hon Sec

ANNUAL SHOW the chairman gave the date as the 25th — 26th May this date had been booked earlier on. the weekend before had been taken so to secure that weekend the dates were booked

OPENER The secretary was asked to write to the Mayor of Wakefield HDC and invite him to stay to the Dinner

Judges The Secretary reported that Mr WD Tear was very sorry that he could not spare the time to come and Judge the show with the help of Jane Eyre

SHOW TIMES As the show was going to held over 2 days and also a dinner on the

Saturday Evening The times of the staging and opening would have to be rearranged.

It was a greed the following

Entries in by 12.30pm Staging by 1.15pm

Judging by 3.30pm and open to the public at 3.30 to 7.30 and 10am to 3,30pm on Sunday. The opening by the Mayor at 6.30pm and the Dinner at 8.00on Saturday night

Schedules The show schedule was passed round and approved.

Help Members present express willingness to get the show ready and clear up on the Sunday

The bottles had been ordered and the vases were available for collection. Mrs Wendy Akers was to make the posters and distribute them round the area. The prize cards had been printed with 50th Show in Gold at no cost to the Society the Secretary asked if we could donate £5 to AllSaints Church South Cave for the use of their printing equipment. This was seconded by JHardman and approved.

DINNER After a long discussion it was ????? to hold have the Roast beef menu for the dinner

The cost would be £7.12 EACH the Chairman asked if the Society would stand the 12p per head and the wine for the Top Table.

This was proposed by A Hayward and 2nd by JL Akers and approved.

RAFFLE 10 prizes were donated for the raffle and the Tickets were to be 5P each

VOTE OF THANKS A vote of thanks we give to James Akers and Keith Eyre for their effort that they had done toward the show.

The meeting closed at 9.45 pm

(Signed JL Akers

9th August 1985)

1971 page 1031971 page 104