Mon 10th Oct 1983

J Hardman in the chair with 10 other members present

J. L. Akers J. Earnshaw, C Marsh H. W. Hodgson, A Hayward, C Cotton, P Emmett, A Harper, J. Gibson Hon Sec K N Eyre,

Apologies were received from the following NH Eyre T Mills, Jim Akers, Wendy Akers, Jan L Eyre, H V. Calvert.

Minutes of the Last Meeting The Minutes of the Last Meeting were read and approved.

Correspondence A letter was read from Mrs Joan Newsome saying that her mother (Mrs Markham) at died on 30th January this year. Mrs Markham has been a Vice President of the Society for many years she was the widow of Bill Markham a very keen member of in the fiftys and sixties.

Photos were passed round sent from Bob Walley of the Amateur Gardening if any member requires any he is willing to send them at a price.

New Members. Mrs L Berkenshaw of Wakefield

Mr A Walker of Mirfield

Stan Knowles Mr Stan Knowles sent a letter with an addition £5 donation from the sale of plants each year he donates the proceeds from the sale of plant to 3 Societies. ours Barnsley Dahlias and

The Vegetable Society.

Bulbs Mr Jim Akers had sent a large stack of bulbs to be shared out also a collection of daffodils to be sold and the proceed given to the Society £6.43. A vote of thanks was expressed to Mr Akers by C Marsh and second by all the members present.

Next Meeting Our Chairman suggested that as pat of his work there what round giving talks on Mushroom growing and if member would like to see a film and slides on the subject it could be arranged

It was agreed that the next meeting would be on 28th November at 8.00pm


Mr James Akers gave a few words on some research he had been doing out the Society and had discovered that the 150th show should be held on in 1985 not 1986. He hope to report more fully at a future meeting

The meeting closed at 9.45 pm

JG Hardman

1971 page 95