Mon 27th Jun 1983

J Hardman in the chair with about 20 members present the chairman welcomed Trevor Mills and his wife for Wallsend

Apologies were received from the following Jim Akers, N.H. Eyre, H V Clavert

The minutes were read of the last meeting and approved.

Correspondence A letter was read from a Mrs Creighton asking for bulbs . The meeting agreed to send some of the spare bulbs if any after the meet in September.

Show Report The report had been sent to members a few days earlier. One error class a6 3 should read J G Hardman the Chairman thanked the Secretary for the report and comented on the Show account saying that if members hadn’t worked hard with the sale of raffle Tickets the show would have made a lose.

The main Topic of the evening was a slide show by James Akers showing the different varieties in conection with the show schedule

This was a great help for the newer members the meeting closed at 9.45 pm

JG Hardman Oct 10th 1983

1971 page 94