Mon 6th Mar 1911

book1907_062A meeting was held on the 6h March 1911
J Hardwick (chairman) Thomas Gill,
Charles Gill, Alfred Spurr, J Wright,
J Taylor, H Ellis, I Whitworth.

The minutes of the last meeting were read
and approved.
The sum of 10/- was received further
on account of entrance fees and paid to Treasurer.

A letter received from Mr C W Needham
was read promising to present a Medal
or a Copper Kettle as a prize at the next
Exhibition. The matter was very fully discussed and
it was Proposed by Mr J Wright
and Seconded by Mr A Spurr.
That the present should be a Medal
to be allocated as the First Prize for the
Rectified Pan of Tulips- carried unanimously.
A suggestion was also made that
First prize for pan of size breeders should
be a silver medal and this was carried
on the proposition Mr Charles Gill
& seconded by Mr John Taylor.

Jesse Hardwick