Mon 1st May 1911

book1907_064A meeting was held on Monday
the 1st day of May 1911
present J Hardwick (chairman) J W Still,
H Ellis, J Taylor, C Gill, T Gill, J.
Stansfield, J W Tattersall, J Tunnicliffe,
A Spurr and I Whitworth (Hon Secretary)
Minutes of last meeting were passed and signed
The question of the date for annual Exhibition
was considered and on the proposition of Mr
J W Tattersall & seconded by Mr J H Still
it was unanimously carried that same
be held on the 27th inst
It was also decided on the motion of
Mr Tattersall and seconded by Mr C Gill
that Mesrs C W Needham/ Netherwood
be again invited to act as judges
A resolution was also passed instructing
the Hon: Treasurer & Hon Secretary to have
the annual report and schedules printed by
Messrs Bowles & Co.
Further Entrance fees received £1.2.6

Jesse Hardwick