Mon 30th Jun 1986

JG Hardman in the chair with 11 members present

Wendy Akers James Akers R Smales with Mrs Smales

R Perraudin J N Gibson C Harrison B Kitching C March

A Hayward and Hon Sec KN Eyre

The Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

Matters arising as the show report was the main item on the agenda these will be dealt with later

Correspondence There were two letters from people asking to join the society and sorting bulbs. The chairman expressed that we should seriously look in to the given away bulbs to all comers. Many bulbs have been given away and no benefit to the Society as been received. Has the Stock of bulbs are mainly in the hands if the members present we should be more discriminate in were the bulbs go. The Secretary asked that members who had bulbs which were not fit for the show bench but would be perfectly suitable to send to the members who just require bulbs to say they were English Florist would they bring them to the bulb distribution meeting in October.


The show report had been sent to the members before the meeting. the Chairman thank the members for their support at the show and the help in getting it ready and clearing away.

Has he was not able to be at the show

XXXX looking at the report the only think that worried him was the High charge on the room. The Secretary was asked to make enquiries if we could get a rebate.

The Secretary reported that the Judge complained that all during the judging she was hindered by the photographer taking photos and talking. The meeting decided that in future the room will be cleared of all but the

Judges and Secretary and runners.

the show was reported in the Garden News and later next spring in Harpers & Queen and the Field. These had reporters covering the show also Mrs Cox from London who spent most of the day XXXXX photographing the blooms in the corridor out side the Hall

To sum up this years show it was a good show from a bad season


Mr FR Perraudin asked if the FR Hunter Cup could be repaired. Mr Akers reported that the matter was in hand and a estimate from the Jewellers was with the secretary. Mr W. D Tear had sent word that next year he would give a cup for the most points in the Dutch Classes in memory of his mother

Mr Stan Knowles

The meeting hear that Mr Knowles would be 80 year old at Christmas and other souls he was connected with were planning to give him a gift in recognition of the generous support he had given over the years

The chairman put it to the meeting that the amount would be left to the discression of the Chairman and Secretary and Treasurer £25.00

The meeting closed at 9.45pm

1971 page 1111971 page 112