Members present were as follows
Mr R Robinson (Chairman) W Robinson (Treasurer)
Messrs T Lockwood-Boulby-Hiley-F Fox
S Meens& EH Robinson.
Pro Mr Lockwood sec Mr Hiley}
That minutes of last meeting be past as read.
Pro: sec:} That our acting secratery write Mr Hewitt
Asking him to attend our next meeting to answer one or two questions the committee wish to ask or failing this he be asked to resign his secraterial duties.
Pro Robinson sec Robinson}
That under new rules ( re minute past
Sep29) one exhibitor shall only be allowed one prize in any one Class
Open or Local.
Pro Mr Boulby. Sec Mr Robinson}
That the following be elected
Members of this Society
Mr G Riley
Horbury Rd
Mr Stead
27 Anderson St
Robt Robinson