Sat 27th Jun 1936

Members Present, were Messrs Beddow

Chairman R Robinson G A Brook T Lockwood

W Robinson & E H Robinson

On view at this meeting were the silver

Trofyes sent on by Sir A D Hall on behalf of the National Tulip Society, which consist of one large Cup one small cup and one piece of Plate, these were greatly admired by the committee

The minutes of the last Mieting were then read and as nothing was arising out of minutes these were past as read

It was then disided that these cups would look much better mounted on a stand or pedestal and after a short discussion it was proposed by T Lockwood seconded by W Robinson that Large Memorial Cup won by Mr Knowles be sent on as it is this year and to be mounted on its return for next show

Mr Brook then stated that as he had won the small cup he would have it mounted at his own expense, he also stated that as he wished to introduce several new growers to the society as novices he thought it only fitting that all novices should be able to compet for a cup and promised to present one to the society for that purpose the committee expressed there thanks for this offer.

The secretary then stated that an interview with Mr Bramham had resulted in that person asking the committee to introduce a separate Class for any variety of Tulip, to shown as the committee decide for which he was willing to give a gold medal and also promised some decoration pro T Lockwood sec R Robinson}

That we introduce a class for any Variety of Tulip and thank Mr Brook for his offer, details of class to be left over until nearer show, carried unanimus.

W Beddows

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