Wed 27th Apr 1960

Members present Messrs Hunter, Akers, Robinson, Prest, Meens, Markham, Booth, Eyre, Tear

& Calvert secretary.

Proposed J. Akers, seconded E.H. Robinson that the minutes of the last meeting be approved.

Mr FR. Hunter reported that he had seen the Thornes Club steward & committee & arranged for use of their room & a supply of bottles for May 21st. This had been confirmed in writing.

It was agreed that raffle tickets should be sold this year at 3d each.

The secretary reported that Mr L.A. Haynes had agreed to judge the Dutch tulip classes at the Thornes Show.

Mr Eyre stated that the vases we usually borrowed form Horbury chrysanthemum society were in the possession of Peter Renshaw in

Horbury Road, Lupset. Mr Hunter agreed to collect them.

It was agreed to have 5 prizes for each of the raffles in connection with the Shows, the Society to provide a bottle of rum in each case.

Donors to the other prizes were Messrs J Akers,

J. Hardman, A Tear, F.R. Hunter, E.H. Robinson,

G. Hunt, & N.H. Eyre.

A raffle realised 10/-

The next meeting was fixed for Monday May 16th at 7-30 PM.

May 16th 1960



1954 page 59