RB Green in the chair with 20 other members present
N H Eyre, J Akers, James Akers, J Taylor, Dean Taylor, S Knowles
B Carr, Mrs Townsend, C Heptonstall, H Collins, H V Calvert,
C Marsh, C Harrison, D Guest, A Hayward, J Gibson, A M Worth,
A L R Hunter, K N Eyre Hon Sec
Apologies were received from P Emmett, M Guest, B England,
The minutes were read of the last meeting and approved.
Matters Arising The Secretary had distributed the Dutch bulbs from Parkers a few days before the meeting to XXX some time.
Correspondence A letter was read out from J Ollerrenshaw asking if the names of the variety could be put on the vases at our annual show. After a short discussion it was a proposed by H Jackson and seconded by C Harrison to adopt it for the Dutch classes.
‘Sunday Times’ – The article about the Society was published on the 17th October 1976 after a lengthy cross chat the meeting came to a conclusion that the article was humorous but did not being this do
but much for the society or for Rory McEwan
Rory McEwan The society has been offered some proof prints of the tulips which appeared in the Redfern Gallery. There is sufficient for each member to have one. It was aggreed to send a letter out to each member asking for their preference from a choice of
8. It was also asked if the Secretary would obtain a set to bring along to the next meeting.
New Members The meeting approved two new members
Mrs P J Shaw from New Zealand with a minimum subscription of £1 and Mr Rogers from Barnsley
Bulb Bank — The Secretary read a letter from our
President stating that he had approached the Head
Gaedener at Chatsworth about establishing a bulb bank. It was aggreed that Mr Akers and Mr Calvert would accompany the Secretary to meet Mr Hopkins on 20th October 1976 and report back at the next meeting.
Mr Akers — gave more of his seed out to members.
Next Meeting will be the AGM at the end of November
The meeting closed at 8.55pm
Wakefield & North of England Tulip Society