J Hardman in the chair with J Akers J Seed R Laughlin
J Taylor A Harper and K. N. Eyre, J Cornshaw
Apologies were received from James & Wendy Akers as this was not a formal meeting
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved
As this meeting was only to decide on the date of the annual show and make arrangements for it the following were agreed
Date 28th May 1983 Venue Holfield House in the Kingswell rooms
The Secretary reported that the mayor was available to open the show and would invite the mayoral party to attend.
Judges Mr Jack Taylor J G Hardman and K N Eyre were appointed as Judges for the English. Mr C Harrison for the Dutch.
Raffle Mr James Akers offered 50 English Tulip bulbs for the member who sold the most books of bulbs
The Tickets would be sent out with the news letter.
The meeting closed at 8.30pm
(Signed JG Hardman June 27th 1983)