J Hardman in the chair with 10 members present J Earnshaw J Seed R Laughlin C Marsh C Harrison H Jackson A Harper A Hayward R Perraudin Hon Sec KN Eyre
The chairman apologies for holding the meeting in a corner of the public Bar but the rent of a room had been raised to £14 per night from£1.70 per hour.
Apologies were received from the following Jane Eyre T Mills S Knowles P Emmett James & Wendy Akers the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved
Show James Akers sent word that he would perfere the show to be held on 26th May . other members felt that the show should be on the 19th may after a short discussion a vote was taken and the majority was in favour of the 26th May
Opener the Secretary was asked to write to the mayor of the Wakefield HDC Inviting him to open the show.
Judges Mr C Harrison was asked to judge the Dutch classes and the meeting hoped that Mr Bill Tear would be available to judge the English Failing that a team of Three Members J Hardman James Akers KN Eyre if Mr Akers didn’t want to judge
Mr Jack Taylor would be appointed
Posters Mrs Wendy Akers sent word that she would look after the posters
Vase These were to be collected from Normanton before the show day.
Help on Saturday Morning Most of the members present offered to help on Saturday morning
Raffle 8 raffle prizes were offered from the members and it was agreed to sell tickets 5 for 10p
Schedule It was agreed to keep the schedule as the same as last year
Room Hire
Mr Hardman and the Secretary approached the Manager of Holmfield House to fix a price for the room on show day It was agreed to pay £40 for the day
The meeting broke up about 9.20pm