Various 1848

Midland florist and suburban horticulturist, a handbook for the
In 1848 the Midland Florist published a report which showed on one page the results from four shows of the Society.
24 April Auricula and Polyanthus show at the Griffin Inn
24 May Tulip show also at the Griffin Inn
26 June Pink show (venue not known but probably Griffin Inn)
25 July Carnation show (venue not known but probably Griffin Inn)

Although we have no record of a Dahlia show (this would have been held in the Autumn) these reports show the range of the Society and also how versatile some members were in the different florists flowers that they grew.

It is not known whether the splitting of Pinks and Carnations was a regular feature though it is likely as the Pink show in 1826 did not include Carnations nor did the one in 1829 where Ranunculus, another of the recognised Florists’ Flowers were also exhibited.