Mon 16th Apr 1962

Present Messrs F.R. Hunter, J. Akers, N.H. Eyre,

R. Hunt, J. Prest, A.T. Meens, A. Tear, W. Markham,

A. Robshaw & H.V. Calvert secretary.

The minutes of the last meeting were read & confirmed.

The president reported on our meeting with the

St John’s Terrace W.M.C committee who had very generously given us permission to hold our annual show at their club on Saturday 26th May 1962.

The president’s action in asking the clubs president

Mr A.A. Kew to open the show & in including a special class for their members, was approved.

It was decided that some of our members should meet their secretary on Friday evening of the 11th of May to settle about raffle prizes & bottles, & to ask if they could provide teas for our members where necessary.

It was agreed that a stand of 3 old English

Tulips, ei one breeder, one feathered & one flamed be staged at the Alf Altofts early show, the

Show to be of 2 days duration, Saturday & Sunday

19th & 20th of May. The judge, proposed by Mr A

Tear & seconded by Mr J. Prest, to be Mr N.H. Eyre.

It was proposed by J. Akers & seconded A Tear that

Mr A.T. Meens be the Judge for English classes at the late show & that Mr N.H. Eyre should judge the Darwins. It was agreed that Messrs R. Hunt &

W. Markham should accompany Mr Meens while judging. It was agreed to discuss raffle prizes at the next meeting to be held on 30th

April. A raffle realised 10/-, the meeting closed at 7-45 PM.

FRHunter Apl 31st 1962


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