A meeting of the committee was held on
Monday the 3rd March 1913
present J Hardwick (chairman), R Robinson,
J H Still J Wright A Spurr T Gill,
J Taylor & I Whitworth.
The minutes of the previous meeting were
read, approved & signed.
The Hon: Secretary was instructed to write
to Mr Arthur Whiteman, Walkers Yard, Stanley Road
inviting him to become an exhibitor of Tulips
Also to Mr George W Mitchell, Eastmoor, to be an
exhibitor of Ferns.
A discussion arose as to the advisability of
waiting(?) upon Tradesmen in the City to induce them
to contribute articles in Kind as Special Prizes when
it was decided that this should be done & several
members undertook to see their friends for this purpose.
The sum of 14/ was received for further
instalments of entrance fees.
Jesse Hardwick