Although it is known that at least two shows, 1861 and 1862, had been held previously at the Brunswick Hotel, this show was the first in a continuous association with the Society which was to last until 1937. The show was held on the Saturday and then on the following Monday (the usual day). The opening of Public Houses on a Sunday had not yet arrived.
This report and those of the next few years show a lot more detail than had been present in previous years. We are able to see the extension of the classes from all single blooms to collection classes of six rectified flowers, described as pans. Several of the veteran exhibitors were present including three of the Gill family, Charles, Thomas and George. Among the flowers shown were three which are still exhibited (2015), ‘Sir Joseph Paxton’ and ‘Juliet’,both raised by Willison of Whitby, and Hepworth’s ‘Bessie’. There may have been a fourth, as the ‘Catherine’ which was shown was probably ‘Lady Catherine Gordon’, a tulip still grown but very rarely shown.