Mon 8th Jun 1914

book1907_126A meeting was held on Monday
the 8th June 1914.
present- J Hardwick, (chairman) H Gill,
J Taylor, J Wright, R Robinson, W
Tunnicliffe, F W Tattersall, J Ellis,
A Spurr, F Fox, J E Gill, I Whitworth.

H Gill brought some excellent Tulip
blooms in splendid condition & which
were greatly admired.
& The minutes of last meeting were read and continued.
& The Hon: Secretary submitted details
of prizes won by the respective Exhibitors
at the recent Show and the Hon: Treasurer
reported as to balance of Cash in hand
when it was unanimously decided
that all the prizes be paid in full.
& This was accordingly done.

A vote of thanks to the Judges &
also to Messrs Joseph Pickles & Sons &
Mr C W Hazel for presenting Special
Prizes were passed.
The Hon: Secretary explained that he intended shortly to leave the district and therefor tendered his resignation.
Mr F W Tattersall in moving that same be accepted expressed regret at the
severance and spoke of the good work done
on the society’s behalf by this Hon: Secretary
& proposed that a special exception be
made in the rules whereby Mr Whitworth
might be permitted to continue his
membership and be allowed to exhibit
at future Shows. This was Seconded
by the chairman & supported by other
members & unanimously passed.
Mr Whitworth acknowledged the
kind feeling shown towards him &
returned thanks for being privileged
to continue his membership.

Jesse Hardwick