Mon 4th May 1914

book1907_116A meeting of the committee was held
on Monday the 4th May 1914.
present- J Hardwick, J Taylor, J Wright
R Robinson, J H Still, W Tunnicliffe,
F W Tattersall, A Spurr, H Gill &
I Whitworth
The minutes of last meeting were
passed & signed
The Hon: Secretary read letters received
from Mr C W Needham stating that he would
be pleased to again contribute a special prize
at the coming show. The thanks of all the
members were expressed at the continuance of
the good feeling shown by Mr Needham in support of
the Committees efforts
The question of advertising was considered
& instructions were given for one insertion in
the Wakefield express and Wakefield Gazette
With regard to printing annual report &
Balance Sheet several members undertook to
see firms for quotations
The members generally reported the
progress made in the Tulip beds & it was

book1907_117evident that the season would be early
It was therefore proposed by I Whitworth
& Seconded by R Robinson on that the
Annual Exhibition be held on the 23rd
inst- Carried unanimously.
Mr F W Tattersall very kindly
presented to each member of the Society
who attended at the Wakefield Public
Park on Sunday the 15th June 1913 a
pleasing memento of that occasion in the
form of a cabinet size photo group of
those then present – beautifully drawn
and finished. A hearty vote of thanks
was tendered to Mr Tattersall on the
proposition of J H Still, seconded by
A Spurr & supported by the chairman and others
The sum of £1.12.0 was received for
balance of Entrance fees.

Jesse Hardwick