Members Present were Messers R Robinson
F Hiley W Beddows, T Lockwood, A T Meens
E H Robinson
The Meeting opened with the reading of the minutes of last meeting, which were passed as correct by a proposition from R Robinson seconded by T Lockwood
The only correspondence was a letter from
Normanton Chrysanthemum Society stating that they were again staging a Tulip Show and asked for our united surport,and also our help in compilling a list of classes, which was done to the satisfaction of the committee
The discussion on a class of 25 Tulips was again brought up and the following proposition was made by F Hiley , that we stage a class for
25 Tulips, these to be of the English Florist
Variety and to be staged in vases belonging to the society , each tulip must be shown as grown with long stems, this class to be sold for the benefit of Society and was seconded by T Lockwood and was carried unanimusly
The prizes for this class to be 7/6 st 5/- nd 2/6 rd
The next discussion was the fixing of the
Show date and as the season as every posibility of being an early one the following date was fixed provisionaly
Pro Hiley sec Robinson }
that the 99th annual Show be held on may 18th-19th-20th carried unanimasly
The secratery was instructed to write
Mr Tom Hewitt with a view to performing the opening cerimony and Mr Brook of Altoft for surport
The following New Members were made by a proposition from W Beddow, Seconded E H Robinson, Mr Brook Altofts, Nr Normanton
Mr H Robinson Horbury