JL Akers in the Chair with 11 other members present
Jane Eyre, Miss Benson, J Akers, J Seed, R Laughlin,
P Emmett S Knowles M Jackson, R Cotton J Earnshaw
K N Eyre Hon Sec
Apologies were received from WD Tear N H eyre
J N Gibson J Hardman H V Calvert Mrs W Akers
The minutes were read of the last meeting and approved.
Matters arising — None
Correspondence A letter was read from a Mr Booth of Leeds asking if he could have some English Florist bulbs so that he could paint the blooms
The meeting felt that Mr booth should be asked to come to the next annual show and collect some blooms to paint.
A letter was read from a Mr Griffith of Swansea asking about bulbs suppliers. The meeting expressed that the sec could write and suggest some both Houses.
Bulb Orders — Mr WD Tear offered for a sale of
RENOWN at£4.50 per 100 as the prices was cheaper that Parkers, many members preferred to buy for Mr Tear than Parkers. this left only a few £s worth of orders to be place after a brief discussion it was approved not to buy form Parkers this year and mebers would purchase direct from WD Tear.
a. Raffle raised £2.10 prizes donated by Mr J Seed. cans of beer.
Next meeting As no Dutch bulbs were to be purchased by the Society for members at date about the last week in October was aggred so that if any member had spare English Bulbs they could given out.
The meeting closed at 8.30pm