Mon 23rd Nov 1964

Present, Messrs J Akers, J Hardman, N.H. Eyre,

R Hunt, G.Hunt. J.W.Prest, A.H. Robshaw,

A.T. Meens, A.Tear, W.Markham & H.V.Calvert.

An apology for absence was received from the President who was ill after an operation. It was proposed from the chair that a letter be sent to

Mr & Mrs Hunter, who was also ill, expressing our concern & the hope that they will both soon be better.

The minutes of the last Annual General

Meeting were read & confirmed. There were no matters arising for discussion.

Correspondence was read from Garden News asking for items of interest for publication.

It was agreed that the secretary should deal with this as anything of interest arises.

Correspondence was read from the editor of Home

Gardening asking the secretary to contribute a further series of articles on tulips to appear in 1965. One of these, suggesting that other local Horticultural Societies should include a tulip show in their Spring programme modelled after the Wakefield & North of England early show, would appear in the series, "Other peoples gardening". The editor also asked for particulars & dates of our 1965 shows.

Auditors report.

The auditors reported that they had inspected the books & found everything in order

Financial Statement.

The secretary presented the financial


statement for the year ended 31st October 1964, showing a net profit on the years working of

£2-4-11, with £1-10-11 bank interest, this made a total of income over expenditure of £3-15-10.

It was pointed out that prize money paid out at the annual show was about £4-0-0 less than usual because there were no novice members exhibiting & we had been able to save about

£2-0-0 on printing by using last year’s surplus

sc schedules. Expenditure for the coming year would include printing of schedules & prize cards which had now been used up.

Election of Officers

President On a proposition by Mr J. Akers, seconded by Mr A. Tear, Mr F.R. Hunter was unanimously re-elected President.

Other officials were elected as follows.

Chairman, Mr J. Akers.

Secretary, Mr H.V. Calvert.

Treasurer, Mr J.W. Prest.

Hon. Auditors, Messrs N.H. Eyre & A. Tear

The list of Vice-presidents was to be reviewed when the schedules for 1965 are discussed.

Shows for 1965. It was agreed that two shows should be held in 1965, one of them to be at Altofts

Mr Akers said it was apparent that we had outstayed our welcome at Normanton St.

Johns W M Club & it was necessary to find another venue for the annual show.

Mr A.H. Robshaw suggested that the

Duke of York Hotel at Aggbrigg might solve our problem as they had all facilities in an upstairs room, which up to two years ago, to his knowledge


had been used for shows. It was proposed that the secretary should write to the licensee, with a view to meeting a deputation to discuss the matter. It was agreed that Mr Akers & Mr Hardman should go if the licansee was agreeable.

Dates suggested for the shows were 15th & 22nd of May.

A raffle for chocolates donated by the Chairman realised 11/-.

The next meeting to be arranged for the

3rd week in January.

J Akers Nov 1st 1965.


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