Sat 22nd Oct 1955

Members Present

Messrs Hunter (President) Beddows, Tear, Hunt

Eyre, Calvert, Markham, Prest, Bell, Hardman

Jukes, Meens, Booth & the Secretary J Akers.

Pro H Calvert } that minutes of previous meeting

Sec G Hunt } be accepted as a true record

Arising out of the minutes a discussion was held on the decorative class & it was finally carried on a Pro by Mr Markham sec Mr Tear ‘That it should be classed "an arrangement of flowers facing front”

The secretary had had no reply from the

Thornes Club Committee regarding the holding of the show next year.

The Secretary & Mr Eyre to vist visit the club before the Annual General Meeting.

A Raffle realised 11/6 profit after paying 2/6 for room

Messrs L Jukes & G Hunt won the eggs (Donor Mr Hunter)

Mr W Markham (Annie McGregor offsets)

Mr N Eyre & Mr J Prest (some flamed bulbs).

Meeting closed at 8 pm

FRHunter Mar 3rd 1956


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