Sat 19th Apr 1969

Mr J. Akers in the chair, also present, Messrs

J.W. Prest, H Collins, J. Ward, R.B. Green, C.

Heptinstall, G. Foster, B. Carr, S. Knowles, N.H.

Eyre, W.D. Tear, J. Hardman, J.W.R. Fox, A. Tear

Mrs H. Townsend & H.V. Calvert. secretary. There was an apology from Mr J. Fisher for unavoidable absence.

The minutes of the previous meeting held 1st April 1969 were read & confirmed, there were no matters arising.

All correspondence since the last meeting had already been dealt with by the Secretary & this was approved. A letter had been received from the Mayor’s secretary, regretting the Mayor & the deputy Mayor were unable to officiate at our 133rd Annual Show, previously fixed for 17th May 1969. In view of the difficulty of getting another opener at such short notice, it was suggested that the Chairman, Mr J. Akers should officially open the Show & that Mrs Akers should present the prizes trophies. This was approved.

Owing to the lateness of the season the show dates were again discussed & it was agreed unanimously to put back the Altofts show by one week to May 17th. Enquires to be made at the Horse & Jockey Inn to see if their room would be available.

By a majority vote it was decided to put back the Annual Show to 31st of May, the Duke of York Hotel being available on that date but not on the 24th.

The secretary was asked to write to the judges & also ask the Wakefield Express to announce the change of dates.

Messrs H Collins, C Heptinstall, R.B Green, J.W.R. Fox & the secretary volunteered to attend the night before the annual show to get the room etc ready.

The raffle for a prize donated by Mr J. Hardman realised 17/6.

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