Members present
Messrs Hunter (President) Bell Prest
Calvert Hardman Eyre Rumford Beddows Tear
J Burton K Robinson A Robshaw Booth Markham
& the Sec J Akers.
Apologies were received from G Hunt EH Robinson for absense
Minutes pro W Beddows sec K Robinson that minutes of previous meeting be accepted as a true record.
Arising out of the Minutes the srcretary was given permission to put the standard of the English Tulip into print. The Secretary said this would paid out of his honorarium
Messrs Robshaw andBurton brought up the need for a new base and ring to hold the names of future winners & remove and remove a bulge in the cup.
They pro & sec that this be done. the proposition was carried
Mr Hunter provided the necessary for a raffle
Prizes were won by A Tear and H Calvert
The raffle realized 13/- after paying 2/6 for room
The Tulips ordered from Barrs were distributed by the secretary.
Meeting closed at 8.10pm
Next meeting, General Meeting in January 1954