Mon 17th Mar 1980

With the absentes of our Chairman H.V. Calvert took the chair with 11 other members present. J Akers, J L Akers

Wendy Akers, J Taylor, A Hayward, R Cotton, J Earnshaw,

S Knowles, P Emmett, C Marsh, KN Eyre Hon Sec

Apologies were received from NH Eyre, J Hardman

Mr Perraudin

The minutes of the last two meetings were read and approved

Matters Arising — Gold Medal now action was taken due to the price of gold rising on the world market Cochrane of Cults Vase the Secretary reported that he was in a posestion of a large cut glass vase sent by Lord XXXX Cochrane

Correspondence The Sec read a letter from the R.H.S. asking for copies of the booklet "The English Tulip & its History" but didn’t what to pay for the postage and also requiring a 35% discount. the meeting approved to sell the books at 40p each and when any member was in London ask to drop them in to the R.H.S. Offices

A letter was read from the Wakefield Art Gallery and Museums stating that they had found a box with some of the old stone and glass Tulip jars, they hope to display the with in the near future and asked if we could supply some blooms of English Tulip to in them.

The meeting agreed to supply. J Taylor raised the point that last year he gave permission for some blooms to be taken from his Tulip bed for the Museum and found that they took far too many in his absence.

Rory McEwan Painting Appeal

The Sec reported that the appeal stood at £205.50p the after a short discustion. the meeting agreed to make the sum up to £225 half the cost of the painting. this was proposed by J Akers and second by JL Akers

The Secretary was asked to write to the friends of the Wakefield Art Gallery and send the cheque stating that the Secretary would like to acknowledge with helping to purchase the painting.

AOB show date Mr J Akers would like the show on the 24th May after a short discussion it was agrees to wait till over next meet in about 4/5 weeks.

Mr J Taylor said that he would ask Mr A Scargill of the Miners Union to open the show.

The meeting closed at 8.30pm

1971 page 671971 page 68