J Hardman in the chair with the following members present Jane Eyre S Knowles Mrs Benson R Perraudin
James L Akers Wendy Akers C Marsh M Jackson
A harper A Hayward C Harrison KN Eyre Hon Sec
Apologies NH Eyre HV Calvert Jen Akers T Mills
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Matters arising Room for meetings as we were meeting in a corner of a bar with the background music very loud
It was discussed that we should look for alternative venue.
Mr & Mrs Akers offer their house if we could not find any where else
Mr Perraudin offered to see if the Society could come under the umbrella of Education and see if we could get reduced Terms or even a charity.
A letter was read from Mr S Knowles with a donation of £25 The Chairman Thanked Mr Knowles for the donation and asked for it to be minuted
Other letter were read from members asking for bulbs there have been answered and the Secretary asked members if they have any spare bulbs would bring them along to the Bulb Distribution meeting to send to members out of the district.
The show report had been sent to each member, The Chairman pointed out that the show had only made a profit by members donating the prize money book.
Mr S Knowles asked if for next year XXX he could give a cup for classes 2 to 26 to be awarded to the exhibitor with the most points
The chairman asked the Secretary to write and thank Mr P Renshaw for the donation of £5 he give at the show.
The meeting closed at 8,15 pm.
Mr James Akers brought proof that the show should be 149th He had been looking at the Wakefield Express Office and got a Photocopy of the 50th Show held in 1885