Sat 16th Mar 1940

Members Present, Messrs W Robinson Chairman,

R Robinson sen, Brook, Baxendale, Booth, Means

Ayre, Still, EH Robinson

The minutes of last Meeting were duly read and past as a true record by a proposition from G Still, Seconded by R Robinson,}

Arising out of minutes, was the proposition by

Mr Brook, that the Local Chalenge Cup should be won on points from all Local

Classes instead of by one single stand of

Nine Blooms, this resulted in a lengthy discussion and an amendment from Mr Baxendale, (That local Chalenge Cup stand as before Stand of Nine Blooms) this was seconded by Mr Meens and the vote resulted in a tie of four each the

Chairmangave the casting vote in favour of the amendment, the correspondence included a letter from Mr Walker Altrincham dated 24-10-39 informing secratery the he was dispatching 250 bulbs which he was giving to the society the secratery reported that these had been sold for 25/- to New members the letter also disclosed the loan of lecture papers and lantern slides which were the property of the late Mr Needham

The secratery stated that he had contrived to get these for some time and now desired to place them to some usful purpose

The correspondence was duly accepted and Mr Walker thanked for his very kind consideration to our society

The ellection of Office then took place as follows


Sir Danial Hall K.C.B. F.R.S. LLD London pro Mr Baxendale seconded Mr Booth and carried unanimus

That the following four be haded to our present list of vice Presidents (Four new ellection first)

Mr Chater Finchly, Mr Haly Wakefield, Mr Walker Altrincham, Mr Hartly Horbury,

W.K.Bramham South Milford, R Robinson Horbury

Mr Lenion Horbury, W Beddows Altofts, F R Hunter

Horbury, F Fox Normanton, W H Midgly Halifax

W Knowles Stalybride

Pro Baxendale seconded Booth and carried unanimusly that EH Robinson be Elected Secratery for ensuing year. Pro Baxendale seconded Meens that W Robinson be elected Tresurer carried unanimusly

Pro G Still seconded Meens and carried

That Tear and Robshaw be Ellected


Pro R Robinson Seconded Meens and carried

That W Beddow be Elected Chairman pro Baxendale Seconded Still

That T Booth be ellected Vice Chairman

The Show Classes on Shedule were then discussed, and the following Mosion resulted

Pro G Still Seconded Mr Brook and carried

That all classes stand as last year for our forthcoming show

The raising of Funds was then discussed and resulted as follows Pro T Booth seconded

G Still and carried

That secratery purchase draw Ticket on

Rugby Football 2d each as soon as possible

All member expressedthere willingness to help in this purpose

Next Meeting March 28th

Tom Booth

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