Fri 13th Apr 1934

Members Present, R Robinson Chairman, F Hiley

W Robinson, T Lockwood, A T Meens, E H Robinson Sec

Pro T Lockwood sec F Hiley}

That Minutes of last Meeting be past as read

The correspondence was then read and the committee were very deeply moved at the reading of a letter from Mr C J Fox of Birmingham who stated that owing to old age and infirmity, he would be unable to exibite his Tulip again, and asked that his name be removed from the list of

Vice Presidents. This the committee felt they could not do and the following proposition was carried unanimously pro R Robinson sec Lockwood}

That Mr C J Fox become a life member of the Society and that the secratery write a letter of condolance and inform him of the committee dissission.

Pro Hiley sec Lockwood}

That the election of a new treasurer be left over until next meeting pro A T Meen sec Lockwood}

That our 98thAnual Show be held on the

26 of May and that the Lord Bishop of Wakefield be invited to open same

The Secratery read the proposed shedule and as there were no complaintes this was accepted as ready for print by unanimus show of hands pro Hiley sec Lockwood}

That Mr AC Walker of Calder Grove become a member of our Society this was accepted and carried unanimosly

Whilst our (Head Quarters Manager) was present, it was suggested that we might stage one or two other small shows after our tulip show , and disscussion centred on an (Harvist Home) exibition and in the event of this being arranged the Manager promised to start the fund with £1-1-0

Meeting closed 10-15PM

W Beddows

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