Members Present Messrs Hunter (President) Tear
Eyre, Prest, Calvert, Midgley, Markham, EH Robinson
Hardman Booth Laycock & the secretary J Akers.
Minutes Pro A Tear } that minutes of
Sec N Eyre } previous meeting be accepted as a true record.
Correspondence A letter was received from
The Mayor of Wakefield saying that he would be pleased to open the show.
A letter from Mr L G Haynes said that he would be unable to judge the Dutch Classes at the Thornes Show.
Pro A Tear } that Mr Eyre judge the
Sec E H Robinson } Dutch Classes
Mr Eyre agreed.
Show Business Mr Hardman Pro } that vases &
J Akers Sec } black cloth for the Altofts Show be obtained from the Normanton Paxton Society.
Many members complained that both shows ought to have been brought forward a week. As many Old English Florist Tulips were now in bloom it was proposed by the Secretary that 3 classes be put in the Altofts Show.
Class 1 Stages Class
Class 2 3 Breeders
Class 3 vase of nine English.
Pro N Eyre } that prize money be same as
Sec A Tear } in Thornes Show.
Thornes Show Pro J Hardman } that the
Sec A Tear } vases & black cloth for the Thornes Show be obtained from
Secretary to write the Club re bottles
Certain Horbury & Wakefield members agreed to prepare show on Friday previous
& dismantle on the Monday.
Pro A Tear } that an advert be
Sec J Hardman } put in the the "Advertiser"
for the Altofts Show & in "The Wakefield
Express" for the Thornes Show
Messrs Beddows, Tear, Hardman & Akers promised Prizes for Altofts Raffle
Messrs Hunter Eyre Hunt Beddows
& Robinson Prizes for the Thornes Show
Tickets to be sold at 3d 5 for 1/-
Raffle tickets were distributed
Mr Hunter raised the discussion of the bulbs from Messrs Barrs & proposed "That they be divided into 10 lots & drawn for" £5 shares to be obtained by two subscribers dividing 1 share
Mr Tear agreed to cancel one of their £10 worth so that this could be done.
A Raffle realised 9/6 after paying 2/6
for room
Meeting closed 8 pm
FRHunter June 15th 1957