Wed 10th Apr 1940

Members Present, Messrs T Booth Chairman, G Hunt, R Robinson, A Tear, N Ayre, W Rushworth, Mr Brook & EH Robinson

The Minutes of the last meeting were read and carried by a proposition from A Tear sec R Robinson

Arising out of Minutes were a report from G Hunt stating that he and the secratery were making progress with regards to lectures

The correspondence was then read which included a letter from the Bukb Growers Association at Spalding which proved rather disapointing. In view of this the secretary was instructed to keep in touch with them without making any further concession on our show this year by a proposition from A Tear Sec by N Ayre

The following were appointed as judges and to judge single handed, each giving in a report to the secratery, who will, in the event of a tie, instruct them to rejudge that particular class, all three together

This proposition was made by N Ayre seconded by G Hunt and carried unanimasly.

Pro R Rpbinson seconded G Hunt that Mr Sykes of Sandel. donor to the Lupset hospital be asked to open the show

Pro G Hunt sec R Robinson

That Ticket for Public Subscribsion be


Next Meeting to be held April 24th

Judges for Show 1940

R Robinson

W Beddows

E Walker

First Substitute J W Midgly

W Beddows

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