Mon 8th Aug 1977

HV Calvert was in the chair also present N H Eyre J Akers

James Akers, D Guest, C Harrison, J Gibson, J Taylor, A Hayward

Hon Sec K N Eyre

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved

Matters arising None

The meeting members then stood in respect for Mrs walker who had pass away recently

Bulb Orders 5 members gave orders for bulbs to be purchased from Messrs Parkers of Manchester

The meeting then discussed the society and the growing of Tulip bulbs over the passed 40years as time passed 30 passed 9. O clock was soon reached at this point it was proposed by

J Taylor and seconded by C Harrison that the meeting should close and resume at our next meeting as a open forum

The meeting closed at 9.05 pm

Correspondence A letter was read from a Peter Turner of Hamburg who had read an article in the Financial Times about Tulip he was asking for advice on growing them in window boxes.

Show report The Sec reported that the annual show made a profit of about £28

(Signed RB Green

25/ ??/ 77)

1971 page 511971 page 52