Fri 8th May 1987

Due to the absence of our chairman the chair was taken by J. L. Akers with 8 7 other members present, M Jackson Wendy Akers R Perraudin S Knowles Mr & Mrs Keys

Apologies were received from C. Marsh Jane L Eyre N H Eyre HV Calvert

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved

Matters Arising as most of the subject were to do with the show it was agreed to take them as they come on the agenda.

Agenda show

The Date if the show had been brought forward to the 16th May. the secretary report that the room had been booked and that bottles were in hand.

The Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayoress Councilor Mr Winman and his wife would open the show

Mrs Wendy Akers offered to make the bouquet of flowers to present to the Mayoress after the presenting of the trophies.

The Judge was agreeable for that dat. The raffle tickets had been printed at a cost of £18 for 2000. The tickets were distributed to the members present. Prizes for the raffle were promised.

Mr Akers reported that the trophies were being ignored and a new estimate for the damaged. Cups would be sub????

he also report that the glass goblets would be a???? £15 each after a general discussion the meeting closed at 9.00pm.

(Signed JG Hardman June 26th 1987)

1971 page 116