The secretary apologies to the meeting for leaving the minute book at home as the main business was to distribute the bulbs there were many new faces at the meeting
The Chair was taken by James Akers in the absence of our chairman
A photo was passed round which had been taken for at the show by Mrs Cox the lady who spent all day in the corridor.
The members felt that the colour of the Byb???? were the wrong red.
Bulb Distribution
Bulbs were donated by HV. Calvert James Akers and KN Eyre The bulbs were given out so that each member could if he wished to enter in each class for the stand of 9 down.
A vote of thanks was given to the above by Jack Weyness Cooke.
the meeting broke up at 9.45pm
The Secretary reported that one Raffle prize had not been claimed. It was a book on ????? by Jack Weyness Cooke given by him. Mr Weyness-Cooke proposed that it should be given to our judge at the last annual show. Jane l. Eyre as a ?????? of thanks this was agreed
The meeting broke up about 9.45pm