Members Present Messrs Hunter, Beddows, Tear, Prest, Eyre, Hardman, Jukes, Hunt, Bell
Calvert, Booth, Laycock Markham & the secretary
J Akers.
Apology received from Mr JW Midgley who had a bad cold.
Pro N Eyre } that minutes of previous
Sec J Hardman } general meeting be accepted as a true record.
Auditor’s Report on the Balance Sheet
Mr Eyre & Mr Tear said that the books were kept in good order & it was nice to see that we had shown a profit on the years workings
Pro G Hunt } that auditors report be
Sec J Prest } adopted
Election of Officers
Pro L Jukes } that Mr Hunter be president
Sec A Tear }
Pro J Hardman } that Mr Beddows be
Sec L Jukes } Chairman
Pro A Tear } that Mr Prest be treasurer
Sec H V Bell }
Pro G Hunt } that J Akers be secretary
Sec W Beddows }
Pro W Beddows } that vice-presidents be
Sec HV Bell } elected on bloc.
Shows for 1957
Pro J Prest } that there be two
Sec W Beddows } shows
Pro J Hardman } that a show be held at
Sec J Prest } Altofts on May 18th & 19th
That a show be held at Thornes Club on May 25th & 26th
Sub Committee to see Thornes Club Secretary
Pro G Hunt } that it be Mr Hunter
Sec W Beddows } Mr Eyre & the Secretary
The secretary to write the Thornes Club
Secretray re a suitable time & sub committee to see if the Thornes Club Committee had received our Donation of £2.2.0 to them as the secretary had received no receipt.
A Raffle was held which realised 13/- after paying 2/6 for room
Secretary to advise members of the next meeting.
Meeting closed 8 pm
W Beddows
Feb 24th 1958