Minutes of last meeting was read & confirmed on the proposition of N Eyre, seconded J Akers. Corrispondance was then read and accepted. Prize money was then paid out to members and receipts produced by the Treasurer Mr Prest from members living away, who had had their prize money sent to them. New headquarters was then discussed, & our President Mr Hunter undertook to make inquiries for same, preferences being given nearer to Town.
A Balance Sheet was produced by Mr J Akers for our minor show at Altofts on May 17th & 18th 1947, showing a profit to the Society of £6-3-0. Proposed N Eyre seconded R Robinson that a vote of thanks be given to the Altofts members & the hostess of the Horse Jockey Inn Altofts & all who had made this show such a success.
Resolved that the next meeting be left to the secretary, but if possible to be called in late July.
Meeting closed at 7-30pm signed FR Hunter